Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Even MORE Exciting Annoucement: New Shabby Paints Product!!!

My last post described how I felt like a kid at Christmas waiting for the new Shabby Paints colors to get here.  Well, I can't really even put words into describing how excited I am about this next announcement!!  WAY OVER THE TOP!!!!

Besides new colors...Shabby Paints is coming out with a NEW PRODUCT!!!  We are so proud and excited to announce this amazing, revolutionary, life changing item!!!  NO!  I'm NOT exaggerating!!
Don't like the look of painted furniture but need to fix some up?  Want to paint the base of a piece but leave the top wood stained?  Just want to try something different? 

Introducing...Shabby Paints Gelato Gel Stain

Here's why you'll LOVE Shabby Paints Gelato!!  It's a Safe, One-Step Seal and Stain. No more fumes!!! Now you can have that rich, lustrous, quality finish without earth damaging chemicals. 

Gelato Gel Stain Vs. oil Based Stains
Less Mess
More Coverage
Non Toxic
Water Based
No stink
Sealer and Stain in one
Non Flammable
Better for the Environment

It comes in 3 beautiful colors: Dark Chocolate, Dark Roast and Dark Cherry! Take a look at some gorgeous work done by Shabby Paints owner Shannon and some by Kandice at Just the Woods did to preview this amazing product and be sure to go and visit her blog!

These were posted by Shabby Paints owner, Shannon!
 Dark Cherry 
have a
Pardon Me, Hazelnut ReVax and Dark Chocolate Gelato Gel Stain on top.

 This shows the progression - sand, first coat, second coat!

Now, you do need to sand with this product.  Not completely sanded down but enough to give your piece some "tooth" for the stain to grab onto.  Then use a damp brush to paint it on!  

 I already know exactly what piece I'm going to be doing first when I get my hands on this stuff!  I just can't decide which color!!!

Shabby Paints Gelato Gel Stain comes out June 15th!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Exciting Announcement: New Shabby Paints Colors!!

Shabby Paints is releasing some new colors!

 I tell ya...nothing gets me as excited as new colors!  I'm like a kid at Christmas checking my email over and over to see if they're going to be delivered soon!  

Aren't they pretty!!  They are ordered and on their way!  I can't wait to try them out.  It's hard to decide which ones to start with first!

I will let you know as soon as I get them on the shelves.  Start shopping for some pieces to try them out on!  There will be another chalk acrylic paint color (a pink almost fuscia) and a shimmer paint color (blue) coming soon as well - I will be getting them on the next order and will have them just as soon as possible!